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Does Wildgrain offer vegan products?Updated 4 months ago

While most of our breads are vegan, none of our pastas and pastries are vegan. But vegan pastas and pastries are in the works! We'll definitely make an announcement when they're launched - we're aiming for Spring 2024 :) 

In the meantime, you can see the ingredient lists and nutrition labels for each product on our Nutrition Page.

Exciting news - new members can now build a vegan-only Wildgrain Box (some products may contain honey) now that we just launched the beta version of customization at Wildgrain! You can check out our custom plan options from this page.

In the meantime, Wildgrain members are able to substitute items in their upcoming Wildgrain Box from their Member Account up to 5 days before their next charge date occurs, so they can choose only vegan products, if they'd like.

Please Note: The Member Account substitution feature is in beta and random errors may occur. We appreciate your understanding as we work on improving our systems to give you the best experience possible.

Got any suggestions or other questions? Contact us!
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